Data Market Insights September 2023
- Nick Barwick
- 04 Sep 2023
Here's a summary of the recruitment activity for Data seen towards the middle of 2023 calendar year:
- Job volumes are considerably lower than usual, particularly so for Banks, Investment, Tech and Government.
- Telecom, Insurance and Energy have shown continuous hiring during the year.
- Most hiring is at mid-level, for salaries between $130-170K and usually backfills as a result of restructures.
- The demand for data engineers remains high, with an emergence of ‘data product’ roles too.
- Applicant numbers are high with lots of passive candidates in the market, who usually seek roles offering growth and learning,
- There is an influx of talent in the $200 – 250K salary range in Data & Analytics due to redundancies.
- Salaries have stabilised but remain a high priority for movers due to economic pressures and the cost of living.
- A big focus in the market is cloud transformations and the underlying data assets / products that the business needs to leverage.
- There will likely be an upwards trend in hiring briefly before Christmas with more sustained hiring from February / March 2024 onwards.
If you have any questions or want to find out about opportunities for roles or hiring talent, please get in touch with one of T+O+M's Data team