Banking & Lending Event Sep 2023
- 12 Sep 2023
Banking & Lending practice lead, Anita Ivanoski, played MC and host at the first T+O+M Banking & Lending event in Sep 2023.
We were honoured to have 2 incredible panel speakers, Elsa Masztak & Michael Christofides, who are both esteemed senior leaders in their respective organisations.
They shared their career journeys with the group and it was interesting to see the similarities and differences in their paths, showing us how everyone’s journey is unique.
Other insights included:
- it’s ok to not have all the answers as a manager. Work with your team to answer them
- as your career evolves, so does the way you strike a work-life balance
- promoting diversity in its many forms is a fundamental part of leading a team & driving greater collaboration of ideas & perspectives
If you'd like to find out more about the event, or register your interest for the next, please get in touch with Anita.