6 simple ways to practice mindfulness every day
- 17 Nov 2017
We recently took a day out from our day-to-day jobs to learn about mindfulness and the many ways it can improve our work and personal lives - from being more present and connected to what is going around us, to improving sleep and energy and making us more productive and focused.
Here are the top 6 things we took from the day...
1. Bring awareness to your senses:
- While walking down the street, for example, try to “live in the moment” by concentrating on what you can see, smell and hear rather than letting your mind drift to your “to do” list. (Nicola)
- It can be as simple as rubbing your fingers together, feeling the ground with your feet, paying attention to your surroundings, to smells and sounds instead of blocking them out or getting lost in your thoughts. (Rob Anderson)
- When I walk to clients or walk my dog I alternate tapping my thumb with each finger, either in time with my feet hitting the pavement or in time with my breathing. It immediately brings me back within myself and I become much more aware of my immediate surroundings – wind, sun, birds chirping, blue sky etc. (Grant)
2. Ask yourself, are you being present or only mildly connected to what's going on now? (Ian Palmer)
3. You do not need to set time aside to be mindful or meditate, mindfulness is just a way of being, connected with your senses. (Noreen)
4. Turn off your iPhone and TV and pay attention to the important people in your life. (Fergal)
5. Meditate for 10 minutes each day - it helps me feel very relaxed and get a better sleep. (Rob Anderson)
6. Don't spend time stressing about things outside your control, or that are in the future or the past. (Rob Anderson)